Wenchuan earthquake, 2008

Jianchuan museum, Wenchuan earthquake mural 2008

…2016.] [9] China.com.cn: ”5.12四川汶川7.8级地震日志:5月12日”. May 17, 2008. <http://www.china.com.cn/news/txt/2008-05/17/content_15287221.htm>. [Accessed January 29, 2016.] [10] GONGO = Government organized non-governmental organization. Shieh, Shawn & Deng Guosheng (2011): “An emerging civil society: The…

汶川大地震, 2008

Jianchuan museum, Wenchuan earthquake mural 2008

…with Lin Qiang). Southern Weekend, 30 May 2008. <http://www.infzm.com/content/12753>. [Accessed May 14, 2014.] China.com.cn: ”5.12四川汶川7.8级地震日志:5月12日”. May 17, 2008. <http://www.china.com.cn/news/txt/2008-05/17/content_15287221.htm>. (Last visited January 29, 2016.) China Media Project: “A news story…

North China famine, 1876-79

Cannibalism China Famine Shanxi 1876

…1877-78” as an example). Qingshi yanjiu 4 (2000): 59-76. Yuanqu wenshi ziliao (Yuanqu literary and historical materials) 4 (1988), compiled by Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yuanqu xian weiyuanhui (The…


Cannibalism China Famine Shanxi 1876

comp. Qing shilu: Shanxi ziliao huibian (Veritable Records of the Qing Dynasty: A compilation of materials regarding Shanxi). 3 vols. Taiyuan: Shanxi guji chubanshe, 1996. Wang Xilun, Yiqingtang wenji (1912)….


Cannibalism China Famine Shanxi 1876

…as an example). Qingshi yanjiu 4 (2000): 59-76. Yuanqu wenshi ziliao (Yuanqu literary and historical materials) 4 (1988), compiled by Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yuanqu xian weiyuanhui (The Yuanqu…

Central China flood, 1931

Yangzi Dykes Breaking Flood 1931

…the dyke network, thereby beginning the hydraulic cycle anew. A Dyke Breach During the 1931 Flood Source: The Report of the National Flood Relief Commission (Accessed at www.archive.org) The 1931…

Yellow River flood, 1938-47

Yellow River flood Chinese Nationalist soldiers 1938

…largely uncalculated, as wartime instability made accurate quantification impossible. Yet damage reports compiled after 1945 convey the magnitude of the catastrophe (see Table 1 and Table 2 below). Postwar investigations…

Haiyuan earthquake, 1920

Haiyuan earthquake destruction 1920

…in provinces such as Hunan and Jilin, and from the central government’s relief bureau in Beijing.[11] Later in winter, foreign missionaries in Gansu joined efforts to reconstruct communities, re-open communication…